Esquimalt BC

Most recent update: July 14, 2021.

Yarrows' yard was originally established in the 1890s as the Esquimalt Marine Railway Co., later renamed the B.C. Marine Railway Co.  It was acquired by Yarrows, the well known British shipbuilders, in 1913, for $300,000.  The Yarrow family sold it to Burrard Dry Dock after World War II, but it did not become formally amalgamated with Burrard until 1979, when the company was renamed Burrard Yarrows Corporation.  Burrard Yarrows was bought by Versatile Corporation in 1979 and the Esquimalt yard became Versatile Pacific Victoria.  The yard closed in 1987 and is now part of CFB Esquimalt.  See it from the air on Google here.
Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Built Disposition

Built by Esquimalt Marine Railway Co. 

  103487 Ariadne W. F. Bullen Yawl 23 1896  
1 103919 Casca O. R. Brener Sternwheeler 590 1898  
2 116045 Princess Beatrice Canadian Pacific Railway Passenger Ship 1,290 Sep-03 Hulked as a cannery 1929
3 121988 Princess Royal Canadian Pacific Railway Passenger Ship 1,996 Mar-07 Scrapped 1933
4 121984 Madge Dept. of Agriculture Passenger Ship 155 Apr-07  
5 122397 Nanoose Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Tug 305 Jul-08 Scuttled as breakwater at Royston BC 1946
6 122395 Lillooet Dept of Marine Buoy Tender 574 May-08 Later Salvage Chieftain 1940, Lillooet 1950, scrapped 1957
7 130606 Transfer No. 3 Canadian Pacific Railway Barge 977 1911  
8 130613 Nidge No. 3 Vancouver Island Power Co. Barge 46 1912  
9 130616 V.I.T. No. 2 Vancouver Island Towing Co. Barge 155 1912  
10 134031 Transfer No. 4 Canadian Pacific Railway Barge 1,042 1913  
11 133769 Princess Maquinna Canadian Pacific Railway Passenger/Cargo 1,777 Jun-13 Later barge Taku 1953, scrapped 1962

Built by B.C. Marine Railway Co. 

12   Sarak Burmah Oil Co Passenger Ship 419 1917  
13   Shillong Burmah Oil Co Passenger Ship 419 1917  
14   Sima Burmah Oil Co Passenger Ship 419 1917  
15   Saga Burmah Oil Co Passenger Ship 419 1917  
16   Sind Burmah Oil Co Passenger Ship 419 1917  
17 141784 Eena B.C. Dept. of Public Works Ferry 100 1919  
      P. Lyall & Sons Const. Co. Wooden Caisson   1921  
      P. Lyall & Sons Const. Co. Wooden Caisson   1921  
      P. Lyall & Sons Const. Co. Wooden Caisson   1921  
      P. Lyall & Sons Const. Co. Wooden Caisson   1921  
      P. Lyall & Sons Const. Co. Wooden Caisson   1921  
18 150894 Motor Princess Canadian Pacific Rlwy Co Ferry 1,243 Mar-23 Later Pender Queen 1961, hotel in Saltspring Is. BC 1981
  156458 Bamberton No. 5 B.C. Cement Co. Scow 75 1925  
      Dept. of Public Works Drydock Gate   1926  
      Dept. of Public Works Drydock Gate   1926  
19 153095 Ribac Canadian Packing Co. Trawler 80 1926 Now Ocean Investor
20 153098 Lewac Canadian Packing Co. Trawler 80 1926  
21 153099 Amlac Canadian Packing Co. Trawler 75 1926 Now Avisa
22 153103 Canadac Canadian Packing Co. Trawler 24 1926 Suspended
23 153106 Victorac Canadian Packing Co. Trawler 24 1927  
  156455 P.M.L. No. 8 B.C. Provincial Police Launch 26 1929 Later P. M. L. S., now Diamond Lee
24 J.35 Nootka Royal Canadian Navy Minesweeper 460 Dec-38 Renamed Nanoose 1943, sold 1946 as Sung Ling, deleted 1993

Built by Yarrows Ltd. with a new series of hull numbers

62 K129 Alberni (PV 62) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d Feb-41 Torpedoed and lost 1944
63 K101 Nanaimo Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d Apr-41 Later Rene W. Vinke 1953, scrapped 1966
64 K106 Edmunston (PV 64) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d Oct-41 Later Amapala 1948, scrapped 1961
65 K223 Timmins Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d Feb-42 Later Guayaquil 1949, lost 1960
66 K240 Kitchener/Vancouver Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d Mar-42 Scrapped 1945
67 168320 Fort McLeod M.O.W.T. (Glen Line Ltd.) Cargo Ship 7,127 Jul-42 Torpedoed 1944
68 168346 Fort Pelly M.O.W.T. (Sir R. Ropner) Cargo Ship 7,131 Aug-42 Bombed off Augusta 1943
69       Cargo Ship   1941 Transferred to Burrard
70       Cargo Ship   1941 Transferred to Burrard
71       Cargo Ship   1941 Transferred to Burrard
72       Cargo Ship   1941 Transferred to Burrard
73       Cargo Ship   1941 Transferred to Burrard
74       Cargo Ship   1941 Transferred to Burrard
75 173480 Pot Scow No. 1 J. H. Todd & Sons Ltd. Scow 6 1941  
76 173481 Pot Scow No. 2 J. H. Todd & Sons Ltd. Scow 6 1941  
77     Royal Canadian Navy Battle Target 85ft 1941  
78     Royal Canadian Navy Battle Target 85ft 1941  
79     Royal Canadian Navy  Battle Target 85ft 1941  
80 K325 St. Catherines Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Jul-43 To CCG 1950 as weather ship, scrapped 1967
81 K330 Waskesieu Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Jun-43 Later Hooghly 1947
82 K324 Prince Rupert Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Aug-43 Sunk as a breakwater at Comox 1948
83 K328 Swansea Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Oct-43 Scrapped 1967
84 K326 Port Colborne Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Nov-43 Scrapped 1947
85 K331 Wentworth Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Dec-43 Scrapped 1947
86 K320 New Glasgow Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Dec-43 Scrapped 1967
87 K321 New Waterford Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Jan-44 Scrapped 1967
88 K317 Chebogue Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Feb-44 Torpedoed 1944 and laid up, scrapped 1962
89 K323 Springhill Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Mar-44 Scrapped 1947
90 K448 Orkney Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Apr-44 Later Violetta 1947, Mivtakh 1950, Mahasena 1959, scrapped 1964
91 K407 Beacon Hill Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d May-44 Scrapped 1968
92 K419 Kokanee Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Jun-44 Later Bengal 1948
93 K661 Antigonish Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Jul-44 Scrapped 1968
94 K454 St. Stephen Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Jul-44 To CCG 1950 as weather ship, scrapped 1967
95 K409 Capilano Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Aug-44 Later Irving Francis M 1947, broke tow and wrecked off Cuba 1953
96 K682 Strathadam Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d Sep-44 Later Misgav 1950, scrapped 1959
97 CN561 Pesquaid   Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d   Cancelled
98 CN562 Northumberland Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d   Cancelled
99 CN563 Le Havre Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d   Cancelled
100 CN564 Wulastock Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,445d   Cancelled
101 CN646   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled
102 CN647   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled
103 CN648   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled
104 CN649   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled
105 CN650   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled
106 CN651   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled
107 CN652   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled
108 CN653   Royal Canadian Navy  Patrol Frigate 1,435d   Cancelled

Built by Yarrows Ltd. with another new series of hull numbers

50 LST 3514   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d Apr-45 Later Smiter 1947, wrecked while under tow off Portugal 1949
51 LST 3515   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d Jun-45 Later Stalker 1947, scrapped 2002
52 LST 3516   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d Jul-45 Later Striler 1947, scrapped 1971
53 LST 3517   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d Sep-45 Later St. Nazaire 1947, Empire Skua 1956, scrapped 1968
54 LST 3534   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d Oct-45 Later Empire Cedric 1954, scrapped 1960
55 LST 3535   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d   Cancelled, completed as barge Transfer No. 4, later Eclipse 109, Spirit 109
56 LST 3553   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d   Cancelled
57 LST 3554   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d   Cancelled
58 LST 3566   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d   Cancelled
59 LST 3569   Royal Navy Landing Craft 3,065d   Cancelled
  179088 Radium No. 101 Northern Transportation Co. Barge 107 1946 Now Rdv-Who
  179089 Radium No. 75 Northern Transportation Co. Barge 65 1946 Now Radium 75
  179099 Radium No. 303 Northern Transportation Co. Barge 169 1946 Now Radium 303
  179100 Radium No. 304 Northern Transportation Co. Barge 169 1946 Now Radium 304

Built by Yarrows Ltd. under the ownership of Burrard Dry Dock, with another new series of hull numbers

100   Castlegar Ferry B.C. Dept. of Public Works Ferry 119 1946  
101 177764 Sandy Jane Yellowknife Transport Ltd. Tug 98 1946  
102 179097 Radium Charles Northern Transportation Co. Tug 230 1946 Active
103 177983 Lequime B.C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 248 Apr-47 Later Fintry, Fintry Queen 1983
104 178044 Imperial Oil No. 10 Imperial Oil Ltd. Tank Barge 229 Dec-46  
105 179563 Prince George Canadian Nat S.S. Co. Passenger/Cargo 5,812 Jun-48 Caught fire and sank in tow 1996
106 France Finistere French Govt Buoy Tender 660 Feb-48  
107 France Leon Bourdelles II French Govt Buoy Tender 660 Mar-48 Last listed 1974
108 France Augustin Fresnel II French Govt. Buoy Tender 660 Apr-48  
109 France Quinette de Rochemont II French Govt Buoy Tender 660 1949  
110 190311 Canadian National No. 6 Canadian National Railways Tug 158 Sep-48 Active
111 190334 Radium Yellowknife Northern Transportation Co. Tug 235 Sep-48 Active
112 190659 Jacob Henkel B.C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 181 May-49 Active
113 190667 Delta Princess B.C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 276 Jun-49 Later Salt Spring Queen, now Golden Queen
114 192757 Alexander Mackenzie Dept. of Transport Tender 576 1950 Built at Burrard as Hull 266
115 193768 Vancouver Fireboat 2 City of Vancouver Fireboat 119 1951  
116 192903 Yorke No. 9 F.M. Yorke & Son Ltd. Barge 718 Sep-50 Later Seaspan 911, now Marine Erector
117 193486 Straits No. 4 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 383 Oct-50 Now P.C.B. 260
118  AMC 152 James Bay Royal Canadian Navy Minesweeper 412 May-54 Sold 1964
119 193509 V.T. No. 35 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 590 Jan-51  
120 193792 V.T. No. 36 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 590 May-51  
121 195202 Kingcome Kingcome Navigation Co. Tug 242 Jul-52 Now Charlotte Queen
122 194911 V.T. No. 41 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 505 Jun-52 Later Seaspan 112, suspended
123 195224 V.T. No. 42 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Derrick Barge 505 Jul-52 Now Delcat No. 6
124 195798 Oil Barge Yarrows No. 1 Yarrows Ltd. Tank Barge 46 1953 Suspended
125 195906 Barge No. 4 Arrow Lakes Transport Co. Tank Barge 85 1953 Active
126 197374 K.N. No. 22 Kingcome Navigation Co. Barge 1,059 Oct-53 Active
127 195803 Yarrows Ltd Tug No. 1 Yarrows Ltd. Tug 10 Apr-54 Active
128 197386 V.T. No. 44 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 558 1953 Now KT 210
129 YSF 216 Not named Royal Canadian Navy Barge 116 1957  
130 197923 P.W.D. No. 322 Dept. of Public Works Dredge 836 Oct-55 Now D4
131 AMC162 Cowichan Royal Canadian Navy Minesweeper 412 Dec-57 Active
132 FFE 304 New Waterford Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Frigate 1,570d 1958 Conversion
133 197419 Straits No. 21 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 501 Apr-54  
134 197681 Straits No. 22 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 501 Jun-54  
135 195808 Balfour B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry 510 1954 Active
136 MP31 RCMP Victoria Royal Canadian Mounted Police Patrol Boat 66 1957  
137 197713 V.T. No.48 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 761 1954 Now Seaspan 160
138 198082 Straits No. 44 Straits Towing Ltd. Scow 501 May-54 Later K-44, now S.N.6
139 198116 B.B. Co. No.7 Black Ball Towing Co. Scow 503 1955  
140 198135 B.B. Co. No.8 Black Ball Towing Co. Scow 502 Apr-55 Now Seaspan 331
141 198668 Straits No. 25 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 502 May-55 Later Delta II. now S.R.M.S. 201
142 198971 Straits No. 28 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 504 Sep-55  
143 198160 Gilley No. 37 Gilley Bros. Ltd.,  Barge 349 1955 Now Evco No. 23
144 198165 Gilley No. 38 Gilley Bros. Ltd., Barge 320 1955 Now Valley No. 1
145 198821 Island Tug 41 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 542 1955 Later Seaspan 702, now Delta I
146 198994 V.T. No.52 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 582 Oct-55 Later Seaspan 311, now W.C.T. 10
147 188300 S & R No. 8 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Scow 503 1955  
148 188308 V.T. No.53 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 112 Dec-55 Now Seaspan 312
149 188315 V.T. No.54 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 582 Jan-56 Later Seaspan 308, now K.T. 100
150 188632 V.T. No.55 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 583 Jun-56  
151 189143 Island Tug 60 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 582 1956  
152 188350 Radium Prospector Northern Transportation Co. Tug 199 1956 Active
153 188351 Radium Miner Northern Transportation Co. Tug 199 1956 Active
154 188352 Radium Trader Northern Transportation Co. Tug 199 1956 Active
155 188221 Gilley No. 39 Gilley Bros. Ltd., Barge 568 1956 Now Evco No. 10
156 189147 Island Tug 57 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 543 Aug-56  
157 189149 Island Tug 58 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 543 Sep-56 Later Seaspan 306, now CT 201
158 189150 Island Tug 59 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 543 Oct-56 Later Seaspan 307, now CT 202
159 189243 Straits No. 27 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 504 Nov-56  
160 189248 Straits No. 29 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 504 Nov-56  
161 189270 V.T. No.60 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 1,054 Mar-57 Later Seaspan 621, now Norsk Pacific No. 66
162 189300 Yorke No. 11 F.M.Yorke & Son Ltd. Barge 1,291 1957 Now Seaspan 912
163 189461 Gilley No. 40 Gilley Bros. Ltd., Barge 669 1957 Later Evco No. 11, suspended
164 189169 Island Tug 62 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 583 Jul-57 Now Seaspan 323
165 310150 Camsell Dept. of Transport Icebreaker 2,027 1959 Outfitting of Burrard Hull 305
166 310344 V.T. No.61 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 583 Nov-57 Now Later Seaspan 310, now Scenario-One
167 310265 Island Tug 63 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 583 Oct-57 Now Seaspan 324
168 310364 V.T. No.62 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Nov-57 Now Seaspan 313
169 310395 Silver Viking 11 Rose N. Fishing Co. Trawler 138 Apr-58 Now Silver Viking
170 310327 Gilley No. 41 Gilley Bros. Ltd., Barge 670 1958 Now Evco No.12
171 310274 Island Tug 64 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 582 Oct-58 Later Seaspan 326, now PC-PHBW04
172 311168 D.M.60 T. G. McBride & Co. Ltd. Barge 759 1958 Active
173 310420 R.L.27 Red Barge Line Ltd., Scow 597 May-58 Now Seaspan 316
174 310430 V.T. No.80 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 596 Jun-58 Later Straits No. 180, now Crown Forest No. 42
175 311171 R.L.28 Red Barge Line Ltd., Scow 597 May-58 Later Seaspan 317, now W.I. No. 20
176 311176 V.T. No.63 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 1958 Later Seaspan 314, now HTB 1
177 311190 V.T. No.64 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Sep-58 Now Seaspan 315
178 311193 V.T. No.81 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Sep-58 Now Barco 99
179 311197 V.T. No.82 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Oct-58 Now Barco 100
180 311201 Barco 101 Barco Industries Scow 596 Oct-58 Now Transporter No. 6
181 311206 Barco 102 Barco Industries Scow 596 Nov-58 Now Transporter No. 7
182 311212 Barco 103 Barco Industries Scow 597 1958 Later Venture VII, now Straits No. 103
183 312115 V.T. No.65 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Tank Barge 1,298 1959 Now Komoux I
184 312114 Barge No. 402 Texaco Canada Ltd. Tank Barge 292 1959 Now Providor III
185 312789 G of G No. 206 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co.  Barge 783 Aug-59 Now Seaspan 156
186 312794 G of G No. 207 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 783 1959 Now Seaspan 157
187 312797 G of G No. 208 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 783 1959 Now Seaspan 158
188 312800 G of G No. 209 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 783 Oct-59 Now Nil 1
189 312812 S & R  No. 9 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 366 1959  
190 312813 S & R  No. 10 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 366 1959  
191 312835 V.T. No.83 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Feb-60 Now Seaspan 318
192 312843 V.T. No.84 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Mar-60 Later Rivtow 54, now Coast 150
193 312854 V.T. No.85 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Mar-60 Now Seaspan 319
194 312866 V.T. No.86 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Apr-60 Now Seaspan 320
195 312883 V.T. No.87 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Apr-60 Now Seaspan 321
196 313681 Forest Prince B.C. Forest Products Ltd. Barge 2,724 Aug-60 Active
197 312897 V.T. No.88 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 May-60 Now P.T. No. 105
198 313653 G of G No. 220 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 513 1960 Active
199 313660 S & R  No. 11 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 513 1960 Now S. & R. 223
200 313667 G of G No. 221 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 513 1960 Now F.R.P.D. Co. 17
201 313674 G of G No. 222 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 513 1960 Now Seaspan 102
202 313695 Straits No. 104 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 597 1960 Now Crown Forest No. 43
203 313704 V.T. No.101 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 667 Oct-60 Later Seaspan 350, now Horizon 801
204 313711 V.T. No.102 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 667 Oct-60  
205 313702 L.M.G. No. 7 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 599 1960 Active
206 313714 V.T. No.89 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 597 Nov-60 Now Seaspan 322
207 313721 V.T. No.103 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 667 Dec-60 Now Seaspan 352
208 313783 Haida Carrier Kingcome Navigation Co. Barge 3,722 May-61 Now ITB Carrier
209 313747 V.T. No.104 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 353
210 314776 Saint Malo Deeks McBride Ltd.,  Barge 897 1961 Later Midcoast Logger, suspended
211 314758 V.T. No.105 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 658 1961 Now Seaspan 354
212 314771 V.T. No.106 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 658 1961  
213 314780 V.T. No.107 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 658 1961 Now Seaspan 356
214 314790 V.T. No.108 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 658 1961 Now Seaspan 357
215 318534 G. B. Reed Dept. of Fisheries Trawler 769 Dec-62  
216 314801 V.T. No.109 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 358
217 314806 V.T. No.110 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 359
218 314810 V.T. No.111 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 360
219 314813 V.T. No.112 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 361
220A YBL 50 Not named Royal Canadian Navy Barge 29 1961  
220B YBL 51 Not named Royal Canadian Navy Barge 29 1961  
220C YBL 52 Not named Royal Canadian Navy Barge 29 1961  
220D YBL 53 Not named Royal Canadian Navy Barge 29 1961  
220E YBL 54 Not named Royal Canadian Navy Barge 29 1961  
221 314813 V.T. No.114 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961  
222 314813 V.T. No.115 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 363
223 314813 V.T. No.116 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 364
224 314844 Van Bar 14 Vancouver Barge Trans. Co. Barge 514 1962 Later Seaspan 618, now GMS 618
225 314834 V.T. No.117 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1961 Now Seaspan 365
226 314859 Van Bar 15 Vancouver Barge Trans. Co. Barge 514 1962 Later Seaspan 619, now GMS 619
227 318631 P.P.C. No. 2 Pacific Piledriving Co. Piledriver 79 1962 Now G.E. No. 3
228 314850 V.T. No.118 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1962 Later Seaspan 366, now Bentick Tide
229 318651 Island Exporter Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Barge 5,875 1962  
230 318661 Island Importer Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Barge 5,875 1962 Now Seaspan 240
231 314867 V.T. No.119 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1962 Now Seaspan 367
232 318538 Racer Dept. of Transport Cutter 140 Sep-63 Now Pacific Destiny
233 319418 V.T. No.150 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 1,579 1962 Later Seaspan 201, now Evco 99
234 319423 V.T. No.151 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 1,579 1962 Now Seaspan 181
235 319133 Evco No. 80 Evans Coleman & Evans Barge 470 1962 Now N.W.D. No. 210
236 319139 Evco No. 81 Evans Coleman & Evans Barge 470 1962 Later Dilcon No. 7, now Delcat No.7
237 319140 Evco No. 82 Evans Coleman & Evans Barge 470 1962 Later Dillingham No. 201, now Delcat 201
238 319142 Evco No. 83 Evans Coleman & Evans Barge 470 1962 Later Dillingham No. 202, now Delcat 202
239 319144 Evco No. 84 Evans Coleman & Evans Barge 470 1962 Later N.W.D. No. 212, now S & K No. 1
240 319148 Evco No. 85 Evans Coleman & Evans Barge 470 1962 Now Valley No. 3
241 319390 S & R No. 236 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 569 1962 Now Mac Barge
242 319400 G. of G. 234 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 568 1962 Later Seaspan 134, now W.M.S. I
243 319417 G. of G. 235 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Barge 568 1962 Later M.B.M. 16, now Arrow Marine # 3
244 319434 Straits No. 110 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1962 Now Coast 165
245 319436 Straits No. 111 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1962 Now Recycler III
246 319447 Straits No. 112 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1962 Now LGP 3
247 319445 Straits No. 113 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1962  
248 319454 Straits No. 114 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1963  
249 319461 Straits No. 115 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1963 Now LGP 5
250 AGOR 171 Endeavour Royal Canadian Navy Research Vessel 1,496 Mar-65  
251 318675 Island Tug 80 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 720 1963 Now Seaspan 370
252 318680 Island Tug 81 Island Tug & Barge Ltd. Scow 720 1963 Now Seaspan 371
253 320143 V.T. No.52 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 858 1963 Later Seaspan 161, now Newfor 2000
254 320155 V.T. No.53 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 858 1963 Now Seaspan 162
255 320217 Crown Zellerbach No. 4 Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd. Barge 3,715 1963 Later Crown Forest No. 4, now Sea-Link Rigger
256 320156 Straits No. 116 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1963 Now Estevan Group (The)
257 320180 Straits No. 117 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1963  
258 320202 Straits No. 118 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1963 Now Whalebank (The)
259 320238 Gulf Stav-Ray Harbour Industries Ltd., Barge 2,129 1963  
260 320215 Straits No. 119 Straits Towing Ltd. Barge 656 1963 Now Matcon 2
261 320286 V.T. No.120 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 668 1963 Now Seaspan 368
262 320263 V.T. No.200 Vancouver Tugboat Co. Barge 3,974 1963