Richmond CA

Most recent update: August 7, 2021.

Permanente Metals Corporation's #2 Yard was developed by Todd and Kaiser as Richmond Shipbuilding #2, in the second wave of shipbuilding expansion, with 6 ways, with $36mm from the USMC.  Its 6 ways were increased to 9 in the third wave of shipbuilding expansion and to 12 in the fifth.  Kaiser bought Todd's interest in 1942 and renamed it.  It closed at the end of the war.  The yard was located at the north side of the marina, where Marina Park is now: see the site from the air on Google here.

Hull # Original Name Type MC# Way # Keel Laid Launched Delivered Days on Ways Days in Water Total Days Disposition
41 James Otis EC2-S-C1 241 5 17-Sep-41 31-Dec-41 23-Feb-42 105 54 159 Wrecked off Devon 1945, scuttled with obsolete ammo 1946
42 John Adams EC2-S-C1 242 4 17-Sep-41 18-Jan-42 16-Mar-42 123 57 180 Torpedoed and lost off New Caledonia 1942
43 Kit Carson EC2-S-C1 243 3 17-Sep-41 6-Feb-42 31-Mar-42 142 53 195 Scrapped 1966
44 Zachary Taylor EC2-S-C1 244 2 6-Oct-41 28-Feb-42 13-Apr-42 145 44 199 Scrapped 1961
45 Anthony Wayne EC2-S-C1 245 1 6-Oct-41 15-Mar-42 23-Apr-42 160 39 199 Scrapped 1960
46 Timothy Pickering EC2-S-C1 246 6 8-Oct-41 28-Mar-42 30-Apr-42 171 33 204 Torpedoed from the air and lost off Sicily 1943
47 Stephen Hopkins EC2-S-C1 247 5 2-Jan-42 14-Apr-42 11-May-42 102 27 129 Sunk by gunfire in the South Atlantic 1942
48 Samuel Huntington EC2-S-C1 248 4 20-Jan-42 26-Apr-42 18-May-42 96 22 118 Bombed and lost off Anzio 1944
49 William Ellery EC2-S-C1 249 3 9-Feb-42 9-May-42 28-May-42 89 19 108 Scrapped 1968
50 Lewis Morris EC2-S-C1 250 2 3-Mar-42 22-May-42 19-Jun-42 80 28 108 Scrapped 1961
51 John Wise EC2-S-C1 251 1 16-Mar-42 14-Jun-42 30-Jun-42 90 16 106 Scrapped 1971
52 George Ross EC2-S-C1 252 6 30-Mar-42 29-Jun-42 14-Jul-42 91 15 106 Scrapped 1966
53 James Smith EC2-S-C1 253 5 15-Apr-42 4-Jul-42 22-Jul-42 80 18 98 Torpedoed in the South Atlantic 1943, repaired, scrapped 1963
54 George Taylor EC2-S-C1 254 4 27-Apr-42 9-Jul-42 28-Jul-42 73 19 92 Scrapped 1961
55 William Whipple EC2-S-C1 255 3 9-May-42 14-Jul-42 7-Aug-42 66 24 90 Scrapped 1958
56 Oliver Wolcott EC2-S-C1 256 10 22-May-42 7-Aug-42 26-Aug-42 77 19 86 Scrapped 1961
57 Francis Lewis EC2-S-C1 257 7 22-May-42 24-Jul-42 13-Aug-42 63 20 83 Scrapped 1970
58 John Morton EC2-S-C1 258 2 22-May-42 21-Jul-42 3-Aug-42 60 13 73 Scrapped 1972
59 George Read EC2-S-C1 259 8 7-Jun-42 30-Jul-42 19-Aug-42 53 20 73 Scrapped 1971
60 Roger Sherman EC2-S-C1 260 1 15-Jun-42 3-Aug-42 24-Aug-42 49 21 70 Scrapped 1961
61 Richard Stockton EC2-S-C1 261 9 21-Jun-42 17-Aug-42 31-Aug-42 57 14 71 To Belgium as Belgian Loyalty 1945, scrapped 1972
62 Matthew Thornton EC2-S-C1 262 6 30-Jun-42 12-Aug-42 29-Aug-42 43 17 60 Scrapped 1971
63 William Williams EC2-S-C1 263 5 5-Jul-42 21-Aug-42 8-Sep-42 47 18 65 To USN as Venus (AK 135), scrapped 1961
64 Eli Whitney EC2-S-C1 264 4 10-Jul-42 26-Aug-42 12-Sep-42 47 17 64 To USN 1956 as YAG , scrapped 1974
65 Irvin MacDowell EC2-S-C1 321 7 24-Jan-42 22-May-42 10-Jun-42 118 19 137 Scrapped 1970
66 George B McClellan EC2-S-C1 322 8 16-Feb-42 6-Jun-42 27-Jun-42 110 21 131 Scrapped 1973
67 Joseph Hooker EC2-S-C1 323 9 2-Mar-42 20-Jun-42 8-Jul-42 110 18 128 Scrapped 1967
68 Ambrose E Burnside EC2-S-C1 324 3 15-Jul-42 4-Sep-42 16-Sep-42 51 12 73 Scrapped 1965
69 Peter J McGuire EC2-S-C1 325 2 22-Jul-42 7-Sep-42 21-Sep-42 47 14 61 Scrapped 1968
70 Philip H Sheridan EC2-S-C1 326 7 24-Jul-42 9-Sep-42 29-Sep-42 47 20 67 Scrapped 1969
71 David Bushnell EC2-S-C1 327 8 31-Jul-42 15-Sep-42 28-Sep-42 46 13 59 Sold private 1951, scrapped 1971
72 John Fitch EC2-S-C1 328 1 4-Aug-42 28-Aug-42 2-Sep-42 24 5 29 Scrapped 1967
73 James Rumsey EC2-S-C1 329 10 8-Aug-42 19-Sep-42 30-Sep-42 42 11 53 Wrecked and scrapped 1946
74 John Stevens EC2-S-C1 330 6 13-Aug-42 22-Sep-42 8-Oct-42 40 16 56 Scrapped 1962
75 Samuel F B Morse EC2-S-C1 331 9 18-Aug-42 28-Sep-42 9-Oct-42 41 11 52 To USA as Jarrett M. Huddleston (AH), scrapped 1971
76 Cyrus H McCormick EC2-S-C1 332 5 22-Aug-42 2-Oct-42 13-Oct-42 41 11 52 Torpedoed and lost off Brest 1945
418 James B Francis EC2-S-C1 418 4 27-Aug-42 7-Oct-42 16-Oct-42 41 9 50 Scrapped 1966
419 Richard Jordan Gatling EC2-S-C1 419 11 28-Aug-42 14-Oct-42 23-Oct-42 47 9 56 Scrapped 1969
420 John James Audubon EC2-S-C1 420 1 28-Aug-42 8-Oct-42 19-Oct-42 41 11 52 To USN as Crater (AK 70), scrapped 1975
421 John F Appleby EC2-S-C1 421 12 1-Sep-42 18-Oct-42 31-Oct-42 47 13 60 Scrapped 1970
422 Charles M Hall EC2-S-C1 422 3 5-Sep-42 16-Oct-42 26-Oct-42 41 10 51 Wrecked in the Seine 1945, scrapped 1970
423 George Westinghouse EC2-S-C1 423 2 8-Sep-42 20-Oct-42 31-Oct-42 42 11 53 Scrapped 1961
424 John Bartram EC2-S-C1 424 7 10-Sep-42 23-Oct-42 31-Oct-42 43 8 51 Scrapped 1972
425 G H Corliss EC2-S-C1 425 8 16-Sep-42 27-Oct-42 6-Nov-42 41 10 51 To USN as Adhara (AK 71), scrapped 1972
426 Richard March Hoe EC2-S-C1 426 10 20-Sep-42 30-Oct-42 9-Nov-42 40 10 50 To USN as Prince Georges (AP 165), scrapped 1969
427 Elihu Thomson EC2-S-C1 427 6 23-Sep-42 2-Nov-42 12-Nov-42 40 10 50 Scrapped 1969
428 George B Selden EC2-S-C1 428 9 29-Sep-42 4-Nov-42 16-Nov-42 36 12 48 Scrapped 1960
429 Nathaniel Bowditch EC2-S-C1 429 5 3-Oct-42 10-Nov-42 23-Nov-42 38 13 51 Scrapped 1960
430 Charles M Conrad EC2-S-C1 430 4 7-Oct-42 14-Nov-42 27-Nov-42 38 13 51 Scrapped 1963
431 John B Floyd EC2-S-C1 431 1 9-Oct-42 7-Nov-42 20-Nov-42 29 13 42 Scrapped 1965
432 Joseph Holt EC2-S-C1 432 11 15-Oct-42 20-Nov-42 28-Nov-42 36 8 44 Scrapped 1961
433 John M Schofield EC2-S-C1 433 3 17-Oct-42 23-Nov-42 30-Nov-42 37 7 44 Scrapped 1962
434 John A Rawlins EC2-S-C1 434 12 19-Oct-42 27-Nov-42 3-Dec-42 39 6 45 Wrecked in typhoon off Okinawa 1945, scrapped
435 George W McCrary EC2-S-C1 435 2 20-Oct-42 28-Nov-42 7-Dec-42 39 9 48 Scrapped 1967
436 Alexander Ramsey EC2-S-C1 436 7 24-Oct-42 1-Dec-42 10-Dec-42 38 9 47 Reefed off Wrightsville Beach NC 1974
437 Robert T Lincoln EC2-S-C1 437 8 28-Oct-42 7-Dec-42 14-Dec-42 40 7 47 To USN as Aludra (AK 72), torpedoed and lost off Guadalcanal 1943
438 William C Endicott EC2-S-C1 438 10 31-Oct-42 9-Dec-42 17-Dec-42 39 8 47 Scrapped 1965
439 Redfield Proctor EC2-S-C1 439 6 3-Nov-42 12-Dec-42 19-Dec-42 39 7 46 To USN as Celeno (AK 76), bombed off Guadalcanal 1943, repaired, scrapped 1961
440 Robert E Peary EC2-S-C1 440 1 8-Nov-42 12-Nov-42 15-Nov-42 4 3 7 Scrapped 1963
441 David Gaillard EC2-S-C1 441 9 5-Nov-42 14-Dec-42 26-Dec-42 39 12 51 Scrapped 1971
442 Henry J Raymond EC2-S-C1 442 5 11-Nov-42 17-Dec-42 26-Dec-42 36 9 45 Scrapped 1972
443 William G McAdoo EC2-S-C1 443 1 12-Nov-42 20-Dec-42 30-Dec-42 38 10 48 To USN as Grumium (AK 112), later AVS 3, scrapped 1970
444 Leslie M Shaw EC2-S-C1 444 4 15-Nov-42 22-Dec-42 31-Dec-42 37 9 46 Scrapped 1961
445 George B Cortelyou EC2-S-C1 445 11 21-Nov-42 26-Dec-42 4-Jan-43 35 9 44 To USN as Cetus (AK 77), scrapped 1972
446 Frederick Jackson Turner EC2-S-C1 446 3 24-Nov-42 28-Dec-42 6-Jan-43 34 9 43 Scrapped 1962
447 Joseph G Cannon EC2-S-C1 447 12 28-Nov-42 31-Dec-42 10-Jan-43 33 10 43 Bombed off Sicily 1943, repaired, scrapped 1972
448 George Rogers Clark EC2-S-C1 448 2 29-Nov-42 2-Jan-43 13-Jan-43 34 11 45 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1963
449 Louis Joliet EC2-S-C1 449 7 2-Dec-42 6-Jan-43 16-Jan-43 35 10 45 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1968
450 Samuel de Champlain EC2-S-C1 450 8 8-Dec-42 10-Jan-43 20-Jan-43 33 10 43 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1968
451 John A Logan EC2-S-C1 451 10 10-Dec-42 14-Jan-43 27-Jan-43 35 13 48 To USN as Alnitah (AK 79), scrapped 1961
452 Pere Marquette EC2-S-C1 452 6 12-Dec-42 14-Jan-43 25-Jan-43 33 11 44 Scrapped 1971
453 John M Palmer EC2-S-C1 453 9 15-Dec-42 19-Jan-43 31-Jan-43 35 12 47 To USN as Draco (AK 77), sold private 1947, scrapped 1968
454 Richard Yates EC2-S-C1 454 5 18-Dec-42 22-Jan-43 31-Jan-43 35 9 44 Scrapped 1971
455 Nancy Hanks EC2-S-C1 455 1 21-Dec-42 24-Jan-43 8-Feb-43 34 15 49 Scrapped 1958
456 Edward P Costigan EC2-S-C1 456 4 23-Dec-42 28-Jan-43 11-Feb-43 36 14 50 Scrapped 1959
457 Sieur Duluth EC2-S-C1 457 11 27-Dec-42 4-Feb-43 18-Feb-43 39 14 53 To Russia 1943 as Tungus, scrapped 1970
458 Richard Henderson EC2-S-C1 458 3 29-Dec-42 31-Jan-43 15-Feb-43 33 15 48 Torpedoed and lost off Sardinia 1943
459 Benjamin Bonneville EC2-S-C1 459 12 31-Dec-42 30-Jan-43 12-Feb-43 30 13 43 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1968
460 Charles Wilkes EC2-S-C1 460 2 2-Jan-43 7-Feb-43 20-Feb-43 36 13 49 To Russia 1943 as Kolkhosnik, scrapped 1976
461 Justin S Morrill EC2-S-C1 461 7 7-Jan-43 13-Feb-43 26-Feb-43 37 13 50 Scrapped 1962
462 Thomas Kearns EC2-S-C1 462 8 11-Jan-43 12-Feb-43 23-Feb-43 32 11 43 Scrapped 1961
463 Vitus Bering EC2-S-C1 463 6 14-Jan-43 17-Feb-43 28-Feb-43 34 11 45 Scrapped 1961
464 Dan Beard EC2-S-C1 464 10 15-Jan-43 6-Mar-43 17-Mar-43 50 11 61 Torpedoed and lost off Wales 1944
465 Jane A Delano EC2-S-C1 465 9 19-Jan-43 9-Mar-43 20-Mar-43 49 11 60 Scrapped 1970
466 John R Park EC2-S-C1 466 5 22-Jan-43 20-Feb-43 4-Mar-43 29 12 41 Torpedoed and lost off Cornwall 1945
467 James B Hickok EC2-S-C1 467 1 24-Jan-43 26-Feb-43 8-Mar-43 33 10 43 Sold private 1947, in collision and scrapped 1958
468 Hiram S Maxim EC2-S-C1 468 4 28-Jan-43 24-Feb-43 6-Mar-43 27 10 37 Bombed off Algeria 1943, repaired, scrapped 1965
469 William B Ogden EC2-S-C1 469 12 30-Jan-43 2-Mar-43 12-Mar-43 31 10 41 Wrecked near Vizagapatam 1944, repaired, scrapped 1964
470 David Dudley Field EC2-S-C1 470 3 1-Feb-43 24-Mar-43 5-Apr-43 51 12 63 Scrapped 1970
471 Charles P Steinmetz EC2-S-C1 471 11 4-Feb-43 4-Mar-43 15-Mar-43 28 11 39 Scrapped 1962
472 David Starr Jordan EC2-S-C1 472 2 7-Feb-43 25-Mar-43 7-Apr-43 46 13 59 Scrapped 1971
473 Jacques Laramie EC2-S-C1 473 8 12-Feb-43 12-Mar-43 23-Mar-43 28 11 39 Scrapped 1972
474 Lucy Stone EC2-S-C1 474 7 13-Feb-43 13-Mar-43 26-Mar-43 28 13 41 Scrapped 1972
475 Frances E Willard EC2-S-C1 475 6 17-Feb-43 16-Mar-43 29-Mar-43 27 13 40 Scrapped 1961
476 Betsy Ross EC2-S-C1 476 5 20-Feb-43 19-Mar-43 31-Mar-43 27 12 39 To USN as Cor Coroli (AK 91), reefed off Florida 1978
477 Abigail Adams EC2-S-C1 477 4 24-Feb-43 21-Mar-43 1-Apr-43 25 11 36 Scrapped 1972
478 Elizabeth Blackwell EC2-S-C1 478 1 26-Feb-43 28-Mar-43 10-Apr-43 30 13 43 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1967
479 S Hall Young EC2-S-C1 479 12 2-Mar-43 31-Mar-43 12-Apr-43 29 12 41 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1967
480 J H Kinkaid EC2-S-C1 480 11 5-Mar-43 2-Apr-43 14-Apr-43 28 12 40 Scrapped 1966
481 Alexander Baranof EC2-S-C1 481 10 6-Mar-43 4-Apr-43 17-Apr-43 29 13 42 To Russia 1943 as Valery Chkalov, wrecked 1943, repaired, returned to US flag, scrapped 1965
482 Sheldon Jackson EC2-S-C1 482 9 9-Mar-43 7-Apr-43 18-Apr-43 29 11 40 Scrapped 1966
1099 Luther Burbank EC2-S-C1 1099 8 12-Mar-43 9-Apr-43 22-Apr-43 28 13 41 To USN as Eridanus (AK 92), sold private 1947, broke in two 1955, repaired, scrapped 1972
1100 George M Pullman EC2-S-C1 1100 7 14-Mar-43 11-Apr-43 26-Apr-43 28 15 43 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1963
1101 Wilbur Wright EC2-S-C1 1101 6 17-Mar-43 14-Apr-43 27-Apr-43 28 13 41 Scrapped 1966
1102 William Thornton EC2-S-C1 1102 5 19-Mar-43 16-Apr-43 30-Apr-43 28 14 42 Sold private 1947, wrecked and scrapped 1968
1103 Glenn Curtiss EC2-S-C1 1103 4 21-Mar-43 18-Apr-43 30-Apr-43 28 12 40 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
1104 George Eastman EC2-S-C1 1104 3 24-Mar-43 20-Apr-43 5-May-43 27 15 42 To USN 1952 as YAG 39, scrapped 1977
1105 Cyrus W Field EC2-S-C1 1105 2 25-Mar-43 23-Apr-43 6-May-43 29 13 42 Scrapped 1961
1106 Isaac Babbitt EC2-S-C1 1106 1 28-Mar-43 25-Apr-43 8-May-43 28 13 41 To USN as Etamin (AK 93), torpedoed from the air off New Guinea 1944, repaired, scrapped 1949
1107 Charles E Duryea EC2-S-C1 1107 12 31-Mar-43 27-Apr-43 10-May-43 27 13 40 To Russia 1943 as Orel, later Ivan Polzunov, scrapped 1973
1108 Benjamin Holt EC2-S-C1 1108 11 2-Apr-43 30-Apr-43 11-May-43 28 11 39 Scrapped 1958
1109 Oliver Evans EC2-S-C1 1109 10 4-Apr-43 2-May-43 14-May-43 28 12 40 Scrapped 1959
1110 Elisha Graves Otis EC2-S-C1 1110 9 7-Apr-43 5-May-43 16-May-43 28 11 39 Scrapped 1964
1111 Knute Rockne EC2-S-C1 1111 8 9-Apr-43 6-May-43 18-May-43 27 12 39 Scrapped 1972
1112 James J Corbett EC2-S-C1 1112 7 12-Apr-43 8-May-43 20-May-43 26 12 38 Scrapped 1964
1113 Walter Camp EC2-S-C1 1113 6 14-Apr-43 10-May-43 22-May-43 26 12 38 Torpedoed and lost in the Indian Ocean 1944
1114 Hobart Baker EC2-S-C1 1114 5 16-Apr-43 12-May-43 24-May-43 26 12 38 Sunk by air attack off Mindoro 1944
1115 Christy Mathewson EC2-S-C1 1115 4 18-Apr-43 14-May-43 26-May-43 26 12 38 Scrapped 1960
1116 George Gipp EC2-S-C1 1116 3 21-Apr-43 16-May-43 28-May-43 25 12 37 Scrapped 1971
1117 Matthew B Brady EC2-S-C1 1117 2 23-Apr-43 18-May-43 30-May-43 25 12 37 Scrapped 1960
1118 Edward A MacDowell EC2-S-C1 1118 1 25-Apr-43 20-May-43 31-May-43 25 11 36 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1967
1119 Joseph Smith EC2-S-C1 1119 12 28-Apr-43 22-May-43 4-Jun-43 24 13 37 Broke up and scuttled in the Atlantic 1944
1120 Tecumseh EC2-S-C1 1120 11 30-Apr-43 25-May-43 5-Jun-43 25 11 36 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1970
1121 John L Sullivan EC2-S-C1 1121 10 2-May-43 26-May-43 7-Jun-43 24 12 36 To USN 1957 as YAG 37, scrapped 1958
1122 Geronimo EC2-S-C1 1122 9 5-May-43 29-May-43 9-Jun-43 24 11 35 Scrapped 1960
1566 Irving M Scott EC2-S-C1 1566 8 6-May-43 30-May-43 10-Jun-43 24 11 35 Scrapped 1960
1567 Joseph S Emery EC2-S-C1 1567 7 8-May-43 31-May-43 13-Jun-43 23 13 36 Scrapped 1960
1568 George Berkeley EC2-S-C1 1568 6 10-May-43 2-Jun-43 14-Jun-43 23 12 35 Scrapped 1960
1569 Adolph Sutro EC2-S-C1 1569 5 12-May-43 4-Jun-43 16-Jun-43 23 12 35 Scrapped 1961
1570 John W Mackay EC2-S-C1 1570 4 14-May-43 6-Jun-43 17-Jun-43 23 11 34 Scrapped 1969
1571 James W Nye EC2-S-C1 1571 3 16-May-43 8-Jun-43 23-Jun-43 23 15 38 To USN as Ganymede (AK 104), scrapped 1973
1572 William W Mayo EC2-S-C1 1572 2 18-May-43 10-Jun-43 21-Jun-43 23 11 34 Scrapped 1960
1573 John Lind EC2-S-C1 1573 1 21-May-43 11-Jun-43 23-Jun-43 21 12 33 Scrapped 1972
1574 Ole E Rolvaag EC2-S-C1 1574 12 22-May-43 13-Jun-43 25-Jun-43 22 12 34 Scrapped 1971
1575 John T McMillan EC2-S-C1 1575 11 25-May-43 15-Jun-43 26-Jun-43 21 11 32 Scrapped 1970
1576 Fremont Older EC2-S-C1 1576 10 26-May-43 17-Jun-43 28-Jun-43 22 11 33 Sold private 1947, wrecked and sunk 1967
1577 Conrad Kohrs EC2-S-C1 1577 9 29-May-43 19-Jun-43 30-Jun-43 21 11 32 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1963
1578 Stephen Crane EC2-S-C1 1578 8 30-May-43 20-Jun-43 30-Jun-43 21 10 31 Bombed off New Guinea 1944, repaired, scrapped 1958
1579 William Beaumont EC2-S-C1 1579 7 31-May-43 23-Jun-43 4-Jul-43 23 11 34 Scrapped 1971
1580 John H Rosseter EC2-S-C1 1580 6 2-Jun-43 24-Jun-43 6-Jul-43 22 12 34 Scrapped 1966
1581 Henry Dodge EC2-S-C1 1581 5 4-Jun-43 25-Jun-43 7-Jul-43 21 12 34 Sold private 1946, sunk 1968
1582 John S Sargent EC2-S-C1 1582 4 6-Jun-43 27-Jun-43 9-Jul-43 21 12 33 Scrapped 1970
1583 Charles Robinson EC2-S-C1 1583 3 8-Jun-43 28-Jun-43 12-Jul-43 20 14 33 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1963
1584 Increase A Lapham EC2-S-C1 1584 2 10-Jun-43 29-Jun-43 16-Jul-43 19 17 36 To USN as Alkes (AK 110), scrapped 1972
1585 Clarence King EC2-S-C1 1585 1 11-Jun-43 1-Jul-43 13-Jul-43 20 12 32 Sold private 1947, wrecked 1964 and scrapped
1586 William Prouse EC2-S-C1 1586 12 13-Jun-43 4-Jul-43 27-Jul-43 21 23 34 Scrapped 1960
1587 M H De Young EC2-S-C1 1587 11 15-Jun-43 6-Jul-43 19-Jul-43 21 13 34 Torpedoed in the Pacific 1943, to USN as Antelope (IX 109), scrapped 1950
1588 John E Wilkie/Sambridge EC2-S-C1 1588 10 17-Jun-43 8-Jul-43 20-Jul-43 21 12 33 Torpedoed and lost in the Arabian Sea 1943
1589 John Ross EC2-S-C1 1589 9 19-Jun-43 10-Jul-43 23-Jul-43 21 13 34 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1973
1708 Joseph A Holmes EC2-S-C1 1708 8 21-Jun-43 11-Jul-43 27-Jul-43 20 16 36 Scrapped 1965
1709 Luther S Kelly EC2-S-C1 1709 7 23-Jun-43 14-Jul-43 24-Jul-43 21 10 31 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1968
1710 Charles N McGroarty EC2-S-C1 1710 6 24-Jun-43 15-Jul-43 26-Jul-43 21 11 32 Scrapped 1959
1711 Thomas M Cooley EC2-S-C1 1711 5 26-Jun-43 17-Jul-43 29-Jul-43 21 12 32 Sold private 1951, wrecked and scrapped 1967
1712 John Evans EC2-S-C1 1712 4 27-Jun-43 18-Jul-43 31-Jul-43 21 13 34 Scrapped 1961
1713 Frank D Phinney/Samovar EC2-S-C1 1713 3 28-Jun-43 21-Jul-43 30-Jul-43 23 9 32 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1972
1714 William H Allen EC2-S-C1 1714 2 30-Jun-43 22-Jul-43 3-Aug-43 22 12 34 Reefed off Freeport TX 1976
1715 Melville E Stone EC2-S-C1 1715 1 2-Jul-43 24-Jul-43 5-Aug-43 22 12 34 Torpedoed and lost off Panama 1943
1716 Henry V Alvarado EC2-S-C1 1716 12 4-Jul-43 26-Jul-43 7-Aug-43 22 12 34 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1971
1717 George Inness/Sambre EC2-S-C1 1717 11 6-Jul-43 28-Jul-43 9-Aug-43 22 12 34 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1961
1718 H G Blasdel EC2-S-C1 1718 10 8-Jul-43 30-Jul-43 10-Aug-43 22 11 33 Torpedoed in the English Channel 1944, scrapped 1947
1719 Thomas C Power EC2-S-C1 1719 9 10-Jul-43 31-Jul-43 11-Aug-43 21 11 32 Scrapped 1965
1720 William Matson EC2-S-C1 1720 8 11-Jul-43 2-Aug-43 14-Aug-43 22 12 34 Scrapped 1962
1721 Brander Matthews EC2-S-C1 1721 7 14-Jul-43 4-Aug-43 15-Aug-43 21 11 32 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1967
1722 William Keith EC2-S-C1 1722 6 15-Jul-43 6-Aug-43 17-Aug-43 22 11 33 Scrapped 1966
1723 Joseph K Toole EC2-S-C1 1723 5 17-Jul-43 8-Aug-43 19-Aug-43 22 11 33 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1965
1724 Jeremiah M Daily EC2-S-C1 1724 4 18-Jul-43 9-Aug-43 22-Aug-43 22 13 35 Kamikazied off Leyte 1944, repaired, sold private 1947, scrapped 1962
1725 Mary Patten EC2-S-C1 1725 3 21-Jul-43 11-Aug-43 22-Aug-43 21 11 32 To USN as Azimech (AK 124), scrapped 1972
1726 Hiram Bingham EC2-S-C1 1726 2 22-Jul-43 13-Aug-43 25-Aug-43 22 12 34 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
1727 William D Burnham EC2-S-C1 1727 1 24-Jul-43 14-Aug-43 26-Aug-43 21 12 33 Mined in the English Channel 1944, refloated, scrapped 1948
1728 Antoine Saugrain EC2-S-C1 1728 12 26-Jul-43 15-Aug-43 28-Aug-43 20 13 33 Torpedoed from the air in Leyte Gulf and lost 1944
1729 Stephen W Kearny EC2-S-C1 1729 11 28-Jul-43 19-Aug-43 29-Aug-43 22 10 32 Scrapped 1971
1730 James Rowan EC2-S-C1 1730 10 30-Jul-43 20-Aug-43 31-Aug-43 21 11 32 To USN as Allioth (AK 109), later AVS 4, scrapped 1965
1731 Richard Moczkowski EC2-S-C1 1731 9 31-Jul-43 22-Aug-43 31-Aug-43 22 9 31 Scrapped 1966
2137 John Colter EC2-S-C1 2137 8 2-Aug-43 24-Aug-43 2-Sep-43 22 9 31 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1967
2138 Mary M Dodge EC2-S-C1 2138 7 4-Aug-43 25-Aug-43 5-Sep-43 21 11 32 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
2139 Emile Berliner EC2-S-C1 2139 6 6-Aug-43 28-Aug-43 6-Sep-43 22 9 31 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
2140 Charles G Coutant EC2-S-C1 2140 5 8-Aug-43 29-Aug-43 7-Sep-43 21 9 30 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1972
2141 John W Hoyt EC2-S-C1 2141 4 9-Aug-43 31-Aug-43 8-Sep-43 22 8 30 Scrapped 1961
2142 Wayne MacVeagh EC2-S-C1 2142 3 11-Aug-43 2-Sep-43 11-Sep-43 22 9 31 Scrapped 1969
2143 Harmon Judson/Samwash EC2-S-C1 2143 2 13-Aug-43 4-Sep-43 13-Sep-43 22 9 31 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
2144 Henry M Teller EC2-S-C1 2144 1 15-Aug-43 6-Sep-43 14-Sep-43 22 8 31 To China as Chung San, scrapped 1971
2145 Jeremiah M Rusk EC2-S-C1 2145 12 17-Aug-43 8-Sep-43 15-Sep-43 22 7 30 Scrapped 1970
2146 Benjamin H Brewster EC2-S-C1 2146 11 19-Aug-43 9-Sep-43 17-Sep-43 21 8 29 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
2147 Charles E Smith EC2-S-C1 2147 10 20-Aug-43 11-Sep-43 19-Sep-43 22 8 30 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
2148 Charles Devens/Samore EC2-S-C1 2148 9 22-Aug-43 13-Sep-43 21-Sep-43 22 8 30 Scrapped 1959
2149 Louis A Sengteller EC2-S-C1 2149 8 24-Aug-43 14-Sep-43 22-Sep-43 21 8 29 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969
2150 Donald M Dickinson EC2-S-C1 2150 7 26-Aug-43 16-Sep-43 23-Sep-43 21 7 28 Scrapped 1965
2151 Augustus Thomas EC2-S-C1 2151 6 29-Aug-43 17-Sep-43 25-Sep-43 19 8 27 Damaged off Leyte by crashing bomber 1944, CTL, scrapped 1957
2152 George Sterling EC2-S-C1 2152 5 30-Aug-43 19-Sep-43 27-Sep-43 20 8 28 Scrapped 1958
2153 William H Moody EC2-S-C1 2153 4 31-Aug-43 20-Sep-43 29-Sep-43 20 9 29 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1967
2154 Henry C Payne EC2-S-C1 2154 3 2-Sep-43 22-Sep-43 30-Sep-43 20 8 28 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1967
2155 George Von L Meyer EC2-S-C1 2155 2 4-Sep-43 23-Sep-43 2-Oct-43 19 9 28 Scrapped 1967
2156 James D Phelan EC2-S-C1 2156 1 6-Sep-43 25-Sep-43 4-Oct-43 19 9 28 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1963
2157 Otto Mears EC2-S-C1 2157 12 8-Sep-43