San Francisco and Alameda CA

Most recent update: November 18, 2021.

Bethlehem Steel's shipyard in San Francisco CA was founded as Union Brass & Iron Works in 1849, by Peter Donahue, one of San Francisco's three Donahue brothers, who were known as the "iron men".  It was sold to Bethlehem Steel in 1906 but continued to use the Union Iron Works name until 1917, after Bethlehem acquired Quincy, Sparrows Point and a number of smaller yards, and standardized the yard names and the hull numbering system.  The San Francisco shipyard was expanded in 1911 by the acquisition of the adjoining Risdon Iron Works, which had built locomotives, and this facility was used in WWI for destroyer construction.  The yard remained in continuous operation throughout the inter-war years and was the only major shipbuilder on the West Coast prior to WWII.  Bethlehem Steel sold the yard to the City in 1982, for a dollar.  It was then leased to Southwest Marine under the name San Francisco Drydock and when Southwest Marine folded, it became a division of BAE Systems.  At the beginning of 2017, it was sold to Puglia Engineering but this deal collapsed almost immediately and this once-great yard is now closed.  See it from the air on Google here.  Union IW was the portion north of 20th Street and Risdon IW was the portion south of 20th Street. 

The Alameda shipyard, formerly United Engineering Works, was added in 1916, at the onset of WWI, to build standard cargo ships for the U.S. Shipping Board.  After WWI, the yard was converted to ship repair, although it reformed as United Engineering Company and built 10 troopships, 21 ATFs and 10 YCs in WWII: it closed in 1956.  It was located at the foot of Webster Street, stretching to the east: the only thing left is the beautiful power house, now an office building.  See the site from the air on Google here.  In the table below, the ships with hull numbers in the Union/Bethlehem series but that were built in Alameda are identified by an A. 

If anyone can add to the table below, please send your info to

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Ship Type GT or LDT  Ft. Delivery Disposition
Built by Union Brass & Iron Works and later by Union Iron Works in San Francisco
1   Arago Oregon Coal Co. Psgr. Cargo 827   1885 Wrecked 1896
2   Adeline   Launch 12   1886  
3 na General McDowell US Army Psgr. Cargo 150   1886  
4   Balboa     79   1886  
5   Emerald   Passenger 12   1886  
6   Premier E. W. Spencer Psgr. Cargo 1,080   Sep-87 Later Charmer 1893, scrapped 1935
7 C 2 Charleston US Navy Cruiser 3,730d 320 26-Dec-89 Wrecked in the Philippines 1899
8 na             Number not used
9   Pomona Pacific Coast Line Psgr. Cargo 1,264   Jul-88 Wrecked near San Francisco 1908
10   Active J. C. Spreckels Tug 173   1888 To USN 1898, later Lively (YT 14) 1918, YT 323, sold 1930, scrapped 1963
11 C 5 San Francisco US Navy Cruiser 4,083d 324 15-Nov-90 Renamed Yosemite 1931, scrapped 1939
12   Romola Samuel Bigelow Launch 3      
13 126548 Collis Southern Pacific RR Tug 205 110 1889  
14 116257 Salmo   Tug 58 78 1889  
15 BM 6 Monterey US Navy Monitor 4,084d 261 13-Feb-93 Scrapped 1922
16   Whisper   Passenger 35   1891 Assembled as Nevada at Tahoe NV
17 C 6 Olympia US Navy Cruiser 5,870d 344 20-Feb-95 Memorial in Philadelphia 1957
18 BB 3 Oregon US Navy Battleship 10,288d 351 26-Jun-96 Scrapped 1956
19 na Columbia US Lightship Service Light Ship 250   1892  
20   Fearless J. C. Spreckels Tug 400 152 Feb-92 Later Iroquois (AT 46) 1898, LT 461 1942, scrapped 1952
21 150595 Peru Pacific Mail Line Psgr. Cargo 3,525 336 Jun-92 Later Lux 1919, missing in Mediterranean 1920 
22 136385 El Primero Edward Hopkins Yacht 102   1893 Now laid up in WA
23   Gracie S Bay Pilots Assn. Pilot Boat 91   1893 To USN 1918 as SP 919, returned 1918
24   Santa Lucia Pacific Mail Line Tug 16   1895  
25 86340 George Loomis Standard Oil Co. Tanker 691 175 Jan-96 Foundered 1918
26 na     Barge 130   1896  
27 na     Barge 130   1896  
28 na     Barge 130   1896  
29 na     Barge 130   1896  
30 na     Barge 300   1896  
31 na     Barge 300   1896  
32 na     Barge 300   1896  
33 na     Barge 300   1896  
34 na     Barge 300   1896  
35 na     Barge 300   1896  
36 na     Barge 300   1896  
37 na     Barge 300   1896  
38 na     Barge 300   1896  
39 na     Barge 300   1896  
40 na     Barge 300   1896  
41 na Northern Light Rev. Mr. Provost Missionary Boat 18   1896  
42 204685 Tahoe Lake Tahoe Tptn. Passenger 179   1896 Scuttled 1940 in Glenbrook Bay
43 na     Barge 35   1895  
44 na     Barge 35   1895  
45 PG 14 Wheeling US Navy Gunboat 990d 190 10-Aug-97 Scrapped 1946
46 PG 15 Marietta US Navy Gunboat 990d 190 1-Sep-97 Scrapped 1920
47 96500 Helene Wilder Steamship Psgr. Cargo 618 170 Feb-97 Scrapped 1929
48 TB 11 Farragut US Navy Torpedo Boat 279d 214 22-Mar-99 Scrapped 1919
49 BB 9 Wisconsin US Navy Battleship 11,565d 374 4-Feb-01 Scrapped 1922
50 100641 Izabal Pacific Mail Line Tanker 205 104 1897  
51 na Chitose Japanese Navy Cruiser 4,760d   21-Mar-99 Later Hae Kan No. 1 1928, sunk as target 1931
52 na     Launch 40   1897  
53 116811 Senator Pacific Coast Line Passenger 2,405 280 May-98 Later Admiral Fiske, scrapped 1935
54 93038 Maui Wilder Steamship Psgr. Cargo 619 170 Feb-98 Wrecked 1917
55 3770 Berkeley San Francisco Co. Ferry 1,345 201 Oct-98 Preserved in San Diego
56   St. Paul Alaska Coal Co. Psgr. Cargo 2,440   Jun-98 Wrecked 1905
57   Sadie Alaska Coal Co. Tug 276   1898  
58 121098 Fearless Spreckles Co. Tug 167 99 1899  
59 81644 Wallula Oregon Railroad Tug 167   1899  
60 25316 Union Union Iron Works Tug 67   1899  
61 BB 12 Ohio US Navy Battleship 12,500d 394 4-Oct-04 Scrapped 1923
62 BM 10 Wyoming US Navy Monitor 3,225d 255 8-Dec-02 Renamed Cheyenne 1909, scrapped 1939
63 DD 10 Paul Jones US Navy Destroyer 420d 250 19-Jul-02 Scrapped 1920
64 DD 11 Perry US Navy Destroyer 420d 250 4-Sep-02 Scrapped 1920
65 DD 12 Preble US Navy Destroyer 420d 250 21-Jun-02 Scrapped 1920
66 117008 San Pablo Santa Fe Railroad Ferry 1,535 220 Oct-00 Reduced to barge 1937
67 127446 Californian American Mail Line Cargo 5,873 413 Jun-00 Hit a mine and lost 1918
68 na     Barge 30   1899  
69 na     Barge 30   1899  
70 161133 Kaiulani Wilder Steamship Psgr. Cargo 381 140 1899 Hulked 1924
71 C 18 Tacoma US Navy Cruiser 3,200d 308 30-Jan-04 Wrecked off Vera Cruz 1924
72 107736 Alaskan American Hawaiian Cargo 8,672 470 Nov-01 To USN 1918 as ID 4542, returned 1919, later Memore 1926, scrapped 1933
73 145873 Tamalpais North Shore RR Co. Ferry 1,554 244 May-01 To USN 1943 as YHB 21, scrapped 1947
74 117116 Spokane Pacific Coast Line Psgr. Cargo 2,036 270 Feb-02 Later Admiral Rogers 1923, scrapped 1948
75 107823 Arizonan American Hawaiian Cargo 8,671 472 Feb-03 To USN 1918 as ID 4542-A, to USSB 1919, scrapped 1928
76 SS 4 Grampus US Navy Submarine 107d 64 28-May-03 Sunk as target 1922
77 SS 6 Pike US Navy Submarine 107d 64 28-May-03 Sunk as target 1922
78 CA 6 California US Navy Cruiser 13,680d 504 1-Aug-07 Renamed San Diego 1914, mined off Fire Island 1918
79 CA 9 South Dakota US Navy Cruiser 13,680d 504 27-Jan-08 Renamed Huron 1920, scrapped 1930
80 C 21 Milwaukee US Navy Cruiser 9,700d 426 10-Dec-06 Wrecked near Eureka 1917
81 na Nahaulate Pacific Mail Line Launch 20   1902  
82 81862 Whittier  Union Oil Tanker 1,296 240 Apr-03 Wrecked on Saunders Reef 1922
83 200725 Like Like  Wilder Steamship Psgr. Cargo 374   Mar-04 Scuttled 1930
84 203971 Mexican American Hawaiian Cargo 8,579 472 Apr-07 To USN 1917 as ID 1655, returned 1919, scrapped 1948
85 204601 Columbian American Hawaiian Cargo 8,579 472 Sep-07 Torpedoed and lost 1916
86 205039 Isthmian American Hawaiian Cargo 8,579 472 Apr-08 Later Ranenfjord 1917, Nidarholm 1933, scrapped 1934
87 204923 Mauna Kea  Inter Island Line Psgr. Cargo 1,566   Mar-08 Scuttled 1936
88 204889 Contra Costa Standard Oil of CA Tanker 832   Feb-08 Later Patria 1952, scrapped 1960
89 na LT W. L. Murphy US Army Tug 38   1909  
90 na LT J. A. Pusney US Army Tug 38   1909  
91 na CAPT A. Springer US Army Tug 38   1909  
92 na   US Navy Caisson       For PHNSY
93 na     Pontoon        
94 SS 20 F-1 US Navy Submarine 330d 143 19-Jun-12 Sunk in collision 1917
95 SS 21 F-2 US Navy Submarine 330d 143 25-Jun-12 Scrapped 1922
96 207420 Napa Valley Monticello SS Passenger 1,600 231 May-10 Later Malahat 1942, burnt and scrapped 1956
97 208653 San Pedro Santa Fe Railroad Ferry 1,720 248 May-11 Later Treasure I. 1938, to USN 1943 as North (YFB 46), scrapped 1949
98 209401 Kilauea Inter Island Line Psgr. Cargo 1,340 241 Nov-11 Scrapped 1955
99 SS 28 H-1 US Navy Submarine 358d 150 1-Dec-13 Wrecked 1920
100 SS 29 H-2 US Navy Submarine 358d 150 1-Dec-13 Scrapped 1931
101 SS 34 K-3 US Navy Submarine 392d 154 30-Oct-14 Scrapped 1931
102 na   US Navy Caisson 1,150d   1912 For PHNSY
103 SS 38 K-7 US Navy Submarine 392d 154 1-Dec-14 Scrapped 1931
104 SS 39 K-8 US Navy Submarine 392d 154 1-Dec-14 Scrapped 1931
105 na   US Navy Pontoon 2,000   1912  
106 210891 William Chatham  Loop Lumber Co. Lumber Carr. 1,600   Jan-13 Later Santa Rita 1917, wrecked off Cape Carmanah 1923
107 211015 Henry T. Scott California Steamship Lumber Carr. 1,536   Apr-13 In collision and sank 1922
108 211426 Aroline  Aroline Steamship .Psgr. Cargo 1,436   Jul-13 Later Admiral Goodrich 1917, Noyo 1923, wrecked near Point Arena 1935
109 211086 Petroleum No. 3 Standard Oil Co. Tanker 256   1913  
110 211383 Pico W. D. Avers Tank Barge 213   1914  
111 212090 Frank H. Buck Tidewater Oil Co. Tanker 6,054 425 Apr-14 To USN 1918 as ID 1613, returned 1919, in collision and scrapped 1937
112 na   Panama Canal Co Caisson 100   1914  
113   S. O. Co. No. 8 Standard Oil Co. Tank Barge 500   1914  
114     Union Iron Works Dredge        
115 212991 J. A. Moffett Standard Oil of CA Tanker 6,200 419 Mar-15 Later J. H. McEacharn 1946, scrapped 1951
116 212860 Lyman Stewart Standard Oil of CA Tanker 6,054 419 Dec-14 In collision and wrecked 1922
117     Sacramento Vall Co. Dredge        
118   U.I.W. No. 3 Union Iron Works Launch        
119 213769 Pacific Am. S. African Line Psgr. Cargo 6,000 410 Nov-15 Torpedoed and lost 1941
120 213861 Eurana Am. S. African Line Psgr. Cargo 6,000 410 Jan-16 To USN 1918 as ID 1594, returned 1919, later Alamar 1930, bombed and scuttled 1942
121 213401 Olinda Union Oil of CA Tanker 6,700 435 Jul-15 Later Olinda U.O. 1926, Olinda 1932, Y 43 1943, YO 233 1945, scrapped 1946
122 213900 La Brea Union Oil of CA Tanker 6,700 435 Mar-16 Torpedoed and lost 1940
123 213962 Los Angeles Union Oil of Ca Tanker 6,700 435 Apr-16 To USN 1917 as ID 1470, returned 1919, Toteco 1941, scrapped 1966
124 214353 D. G. Scofield Standard Oil of CA Tanker 8,600 439 Aug-16 Later Macoa 1948, scrapped 1950
125 214173 Acme  Socony-Vacuum Oil Tanker 6,900 435 Jun-16 Later Abarenda (IX 131) 1944, later Acme 1946, scrapped 1948
126 214391 Davanger Westfal-Larsen Cargo 5,876   Jul-16 Torpedoed and lost 1917
127 214861 Maui Matson Navigation Psgr. Cargo 9,900 501 Apr-17 To USN 1918 as ID 1514, returned 1919, Scrapped 1948
128 214492 Astral Socony-Vacuum Oil Tanker 7,500 439 Oct-16 Torpedoed and lost 1941
129 214615 H. C. Folger Atlantic Refining Tanker 7,100 435 Dec-16 Later Reconcavo 1941, scrapped 1954
130 214715 J. W. Van Dyke Atlantic Refining Tanker 7,100 435 Feb-17 Later Albert Hill 1925, scrapped 1947
131 214449 Paulsboro Socony-Vacuum Oil Tanker 6,700 435 Sep-16 Scrapped 1948
Built by Bethlehem Steel in San Francisco and in Alameda (A)
132A   War Knight  UK Admiralty Cargo 7,700 493 May-17 Hit a mine and lost 1918
133A   War Monarch  UK Admiralty Cargo 7,700 493 Jul-17 Torpedoed and lost 1918
134 215817 Fred W. Weller Standard Oil of NJ Tanker 9,500 500 Dec-17 Scrapped 1949
135 215979 A. C. Bedford  Standard Oil of CA Tanker 9,500 500 Feb-18 Scrapped 1949
136 214921 Eagle Socony-Vacuum Oil Tanker 6,000 410 Apr-17 Later Peerless 1918, to USN 1918 as ID 1639, returned 1919, Eagle 1919, scrapped 1949
137 215248 Tiger Socony-Vacuum Oil Tanker 6,000 410 Jun-17 To USN 1918 as ID 1640, returned 1919, later Binna, Tamaki Maru 1939, torpedoed and lost 1942
138A 214699 Talabot  Bjonness & Son Cargo 7,800 493 Jan-17 Later Ekaterini Coumantarou 1935, Montesa 1951, Braterstwo 1951, Scrapped ~1960
139A   Bessa  Wilh. Wilhelmsen Cargo 7,800 493 Mar-17 Later Binna 1937, Tamaki Maru 1939, Nisshu Maru 1941, torpedoed and lost 1944
140 215635 Wilhelm Jebsen  Standard Oil of NJ Tanker 6,800 435 Oct-17 Later Frederick Ewing 1920, C. J. Barkdull 1931, torpedoed and lost 1943
141 215451 George G. Henry Standard Oil of NJ Tanker 6,300 435 May-17 To USN 1918 as ID 1570, returned 1919, later Victoria (AO 46) 1942, George G. Henry 1946, scrapped 1949
142A   War Sword UK Admiralty Cargo 7,700 493 Sep-17 Later Cabrera 1919, Arabutan 1941, torpedoed and lost 1942
143A 215903 J. E. O�Neil Atlantic Refining Tanker 7,100 435 Jan-18 Later Ponta Verde 1941, wrecked 1941
144A 215969 Herbert L. Pratt Atlantic Refining Tanker 7,100 435 Feb-18 To USN 1918 as ID 2339, scrapped 1947
145 216019 S. M. Spalding  Standard Oil of NJ Tanker 6,600 435 Mar-18 Scrapped 1938
146 216222 Paul H. Harwood  Standard Oil of NJ Tanker 6,600 435 Apr-18 Scrapped 1949
147A 216788 W. S. Rheem Standard Oil of NJ Tanker 6,800 435 Aug-18 Later Shreveport 1921, Cities Service Koolmotor 1929, California 1947, scrapped 1955
148A 216249 W. M. Irish Atlantic Refining Tanker 7,100 435 Apr-18 Later Moskva 1943, W. M. Irish 1944, Nausett 1944, W. M. Irish 1945, scrapped 1946
149A 216508 W. M. Burton Atlantic Refining Tanker 7,100 435 Jun-18 Scrapped 1946
150A 216762 Volunteer USSB/1220 Cargo 7,700 493 Aug-18 To USN 1918 as ID 3242, returned 1919, later Andalucia 1947, burnt and abandoned 1947
151 216541 Wichita/Liberator USSB/1221 Cargo 7,700 493 Jul-18 To USN 1918 as ID 3134, returned 1919, torpedoed and lost 1942
152 na No name Union Iron Works Dry Dock     1917  
153A 217003 Challenger USSB/1222 Cargo 7,700 493 Oct-18 To USN 1918 as ID 3630, returned 1919, torpedoed and lost 1942
154A 215963 Snevarden/Redondo A. O. Linovig Cargo 4,114   Feb-18 Later Delecto 1923, Golden Sword 1936, Unaco 1941, foundered 1946
155 na No name Union Iron Works Caisson     1918  
156 DD 87 McKee US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 7-Sep-18 Scrapped 1936
157 DD 88 Robinson US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 19-Oct-18 Later HMS Newmarket (G 47) 1940, scrapped 1945
158 DD 89 Ringgold US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 14-Nov-18 Later HMS Newark (G 08) 1940, scrapped 1947
159 DD 90 McKean US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 25-Feb-19 Sunk by aircraft off Bougainville 1943
160 DD 91 Harding US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 24-Jan-19 Scrapped 1936
161 DD 92 Gridley US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 8-Mar-19 Scrapped 1939
162A 217472 War Harbor/Independence UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 16-Nov-18 To USN 1918 as ID 3671, returned 1919, later City of Norfolk 1931, Neville (AP 16 - APA 9) 1941, scrapped 1957
163A 217060 War Haven/Victorious UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 19-Oct-18 To USN 1918 as ID 3514, returned 1919, later City of Havre 1931, City of Los Angeles 1938, Charles F. Elliott (AP 13) 1941, bombed and lost 1942
164A 216875 War Ocean/Defiance UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 5-Sep-18 To USN 1918 as ID 3327, returned 1919, later Pan-Delaware 1938, Ingrid 1947, Giacinta Fassio 1949, Emma Fassio 1959, scrapped 1959
165A 217093 War Rock/Invincible UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 19-Oct-18 To USN 1918 as ID 3676, returned 1919, later Empire Porpoise 1941, Chrysanthemum 1946, Chryss 1950, Athlit 1952, scrapped 1954
166A 217287 War Sea/Courageous UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 Dec-18 Sunk as breakwater off Normandy 1944
167A 217457 War Cape/Triumph UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 Jan-19 Later Pan-Massachusetts 1938, torpedoed and lost 1942
168A 217456 War Surf/Eclipse UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 Feb-19 Later City of Hamburg 1931, City of San Francisco 1938, William P. Biddle (AP 15) 1941, City of San Francisco 1946, scrapped 1957
169A 217596 War Wave/Archer UK Admiralty Cargo 7,600 493 Feb-19 To USN 1918 as ID 1594 but never used, later City of Newport News 1931, Fuller (AP 14) 1941, scrapped 1957
170A 217921 Steadfast USSB/1223 Cargo 7,600 493 May-19 Later City of Baltimore 1931, Heywood (AP 12 - APA 6) 1941, City of Baltimore 1946, scrapped 1957
171A na Dreadnaught Rolph Navigation Tug 435 143 Jan-18 To USN 1918 as ID 1951, later YT 34, YNG 21, destroyed 1944
172A na Undaunted Rolph Navigation Tug 435 143 Feb-18 To USN 1918 as AT 58, later YT 125, sold 1947
173 SS 92 R-15 US Navy Submarine 569d 186 27-Jul-18 Scrapped 1946
174 SS 93 R-16 US Navy Submarine 569d 186 5-Aug-18 Scrapped 1946
175 SS 94 R-17 US Navy Submarine 569d 186 17-Aug-18 To Britain 1942 as P-512, scrapped 1945
176 SS 95 R-18 US Navy Submarine 569d 186 11-Sep-18 Scrapped 1946
177 SS 96 R-19 US Navy Submarine 569d 186 2-Oct-18 To Britain 1942 as P-514, sunk in the North Atlantic 1942
178 SS 97 R-20 US Navy Submarine 569d 186 7-Oct-18 Scrapped 1946
179 CS 4 Raleigh US Navy Cruiser       Transferred to Quincy
180 CS 5 Detroit US Navy Cruiser       Transferred to Quincy
181 DD 103 Schley US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 26-Oct-18 Scrapped 1946
182 DD 104 Champlin US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 11-Nov-18 Sunk in tests 1936
183 DD 105 Mugford US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 25-Nov-18 Scrapped 1936
184 DD 106 Chew US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 12-Dec-18 Scrapped 1946
185 DD 107 Hazelwood US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 20-Feb-19 Scrapped 1935
186 DD 108 Williams US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 1-Mar-19 Later HMCS St. Clair (I 65) 1940, foundered and scrapped 1947
187 DD 109 Crane US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 18-Apr-19 Scrapped 1946
188 DD 110 Hart US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 26-May-19 Scrapped 1932
189 DD 111 Ingraham US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 15-May-19 Sunk as target 1937
190 DD 112 Ludlow US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 23-Dec-19 Scrapped 1931
191 DD 171 Burns US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 7-Aug-19 Scrapped 1932
192 DD 172 Anthony US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 19-Jun-19 Sunk as target 1937
193 DD 173 Sproston US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 12-Jul-19 Sunk as target 1937
194 DD 174 Rizal US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 28-May-19 Scrapped 1932
195 DD 175 Mackenzie US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 25-Jul-19 Later HMCS Annapolis (I 04) 1940, scrapped 1945
196 DD 176 Renshaw US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 31-Jul-19 Scrapped 1936
197 DD 177 O'Bannon US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 27-Aug-19 Scrapped 1936
198 DD 178 Hogan US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 1-Oct-19 Sunk as target 1945
199 DD 179 Howard US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 29-Jan-20 Scrapped 1946
200 DD 180 Stansbury US Navy Destroyer 1,060d 314 8-Jan-20 Scrapped 1946
201 SS 135 S-30 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 29-Oct-20 Scrapped 1946
202 SS 136 S-31 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 11-May-22 Scrapped 1946
203 SS 137 S-32 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 15-Jun-22 Scrapped 1946
204 SS 138 S-33 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 18-Apr-22 Scrapped 1946
205 SS 139 S-34 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 12-Jul-22 Scrapped 1946
206 SS 140 S-35 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 17-Aug-22 Sunk as target 1946
207 SS 141 S-36 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 4-Apr-23 Wrecked in Makassar Strait and scuttled 1942
208 SS 142 S-37 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 16-Jul-23 Sunk as target 1945
209 SS 143 S-38 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 11-May-23 Sunk as target 1945
210 SS 144 S-39 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 14-Sep-23 Wrecked on Rossel Island 1942
211 SS 145 S-40 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 20-Nov-23 Scrapped 1946
212 SS 146 S-41 US Navy Submarine 854d 219 15-Jan-24 Scrapped 1946
213 na             Number not used
214 na             Number not used
215A 217952 Heffron USSB/1574 Cargo 7,600 410 May-19 Mined and lost 1942
216A 218209 Hegira USSB/1575 Cargo 7,600 410 May-19 Later Merope 1947, Maro 1955, Captain John C 1956, wrecked 1957
217 DD 296 Chauncey US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 25-Jun-19 Wrecked on Honda Point 1923
218 DD 297 Fuller US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 28-Feb-20 Wrecked on Honda Point 1923
219 DD 298 Percival US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 31-Mar-20 Scrapped 1931
220 DD 299 John Francis Burns US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 1-May-20 Scrapped 1930
221 DD 300 Farragut US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 4-Jun-20 Scrapped 1931
222 DD 301 Somers US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 23-Jun-20 Scrapped 1935
223 DD 302 Stoddert US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 30-Jun-20 Scrapped 1931
224 DD 303 Reno US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 23-Jul-20 Scrapped 1932
225 DD 304 Farquhar US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 5-Aug-20 Scrapped 1931
226 DD 305 Thompson US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 16-Aug-20 Scrapped 1931
227 DD 306 Kennedy US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 28-Aug-20 Scrapped 1931
227 DD 307 Paul Hamilton US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 24-Sep-20 Scrapped 1931
229 DD 308 William Jones US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 30-Sep-20 Scrapped 1931
230 DD 309 Woodbury US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 20-Oct-20 Wrecked on Honda Point 1923
231 DD 310 S. P. Lee US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 30-Oct-20 Wrecked on Honda Point 1923
232 DD 311 Nicholas US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 23-Nov-20 Wrecked on Honda Point 1923
233 DD 312 Young US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 29-Nov-20 Wrecked on Honda Point 1923
234 DD 313 Zeilin US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 10-Dec-20 Scrapped 1930
235 DD 314 Yarborough US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 31-Dec-20 Scrapped 1931
236 DD 315 La Vallette US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 24-Dec-20 Scrapped 1931
237 DD 316 Sloat US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 30-Dec-20 Sunk as target 1935
238 DD 317 Woodbury US Navy Destroyer 1,190d 314 28-Jan-21 Scrapped 1930
239 DD 318 Shirk US Navy Destroyer