Madisonville LA

Most recent update: December 24, 2021.

There were two shipyards in Madisonville LA before Equitable started the yard that is there today - Jahncke Shipbuilding and Gulf Shipbuilding.  Jahncke SB was started in 1900 and closed in about 1970, while Gulf SB was started at about the same time, was acquired by Waterman Steamship Lines in 1941 and closed after the war.  The two yards were located side-by-side on the site of the 19th-century Baham Shipyard, roughly where Madisonville's Maritime Museum is today. 

Hull # O.N.

Original Name

Original Owner Type GT Feet Delivered Disposition

Built by Jahncke Shipbuilding

  236896 Tiger Jahncke Service Tug 19 47 1913  
  173805 Pontchartrain Jahncke Service Dredge 443 118 1914  
  213027 Margaret Octave Bernard Tug 26 57 1915 Later Wolverine
  217320 Bayou Teche U.S.S.B./210 Cargo Ship 2,551   1918 Scrapped 1925
  217388 Bahlabac U.S.S.B./211 Cargo Ship 2,551   1918 Burnt in Port of Spain 1926
  217850 Abbeville U.S.S.B./212 Cargo Ship 2,551   1919 Scrapped 1924
  218352 Pontchartrain U.S.S.B./213 Cargo Ship 2,551   1919 Scrapped 1926
    Tchefuncta U.S.S.B./214 Cargo Ship 2,551   1919 Completed as a barge
      U.S.S.B./215 Cargo Ship 2,551   1919 Cancelled
      U.S.S.B. Cargo Ship Hull       Six hulls, all cancelled
      U.S.S.B. Cargo Barge       Four hulls, all cancelled
  236895 Atlas Jahncke Service Tug 37 58 1924  
  170682 Tchefuncta Jahncke Service Dredge 535 136 1930  
  173804 Pelican Jahncke Service Dredge 181 100 1930  
  237030 Bonne Fortune A.B. Paterson Yacht 98 77 1937 To USN 1941 as YP 156, to Mobile 1946 as pilot boat, foundered 1964

Built by Gulf Shipbuilding

  200442 Anita D George Sick Freight 45 69 1903  
  200775 Haskell Southern Boiler Workboat 24 60 1904  
  205461 Josie   Freight 160 85 1908 Later Margaret
  210300 John Cassidy N.O. Livestock Freight 81 91 1912  
  214720 Wendy Andrew Moore Yacht 23 55 1913  
  214729 Quicksilver Jules Godchaux Yacht 20 51 1916  
  217286 Gulco Cuyamel Fruit Tug 16 39 1918  
  216468 O. A. Hermanson Southern Oil Ocean Tug 333 126 1922 Later Creole
  222395 Jetta   Yacht 48 65 1922 Later H.A.T.
  232574 Cocheco C.A.Sporl & Co. Yacht 48 65 1922  
  238145 Neptune Leon Edwards Yacht 26 44 1922  
1 AM 126 Token U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 31-Dec-42 Scrapped 1967
2 AM 127 Tumult U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 27-Feb-43 Scrapped 1967
3 AM 128 Velocity U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 4-Mar-43 To Mexico 1972 as Ignacio L. Vallarta (C 82), active
4 AM 129 Vital U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 May-43 To Britain 1943 as HMS Strenuous (J 338), sold 1948 as Evening Star, later Pride of the West, scrapped 1956
5 AM 130 Usage U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 Jun-43 To Britain 1943 as HMS Tourmaline (J 339), to Turkey 1947 as Cardak (M 507), struck 1974
6 AM 131 Zeal U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 9-Jul-43 Sunk as target 1967
7 BAM 30 HMS Sepoy U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 8-Sep-43 Retained as USS Dextrous (AM 341), to Korea 1967 as Koje (PCE 713), struck 1984
8 BAM 31 HMS Steadfast (J 375) U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 17-Jan-43 To Britain 1943, returned 1946, to Turkey 1947 as Eregli, struck 1973
9 BAM 32 HMS Tattoo (J 374) U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 27-Jan-43 To Britain 1943, returned 1946, to Turkey 1947 as Carsamba, struck 1985
10 AM 267 Notable U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 23-Dec-43 To China 1946, disposition unknown
11 AM 268 Nucleus U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 19-Jan-44 To USSR 1945 as T 276, disposition unknown
12 AM 269 Opponent U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 18-Feb-44 Scrapped 1961
14 AM 270 Palisade U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 9-Mar-44 To USSR 1945 as T 279, mined and lost off Korea 1945
15 AM 271 Penetrate U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 31-Mar-44 To USSR 1945 as T 280, disposition unknown
16 AM 272 Peril U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 22-May-44 To USSR 1945 as T 281, scrapped 1956
17 AM 273 Phantom U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 17-May-44 To China 1948 as Yung Ming, to Taiwan 1949, scrapped
18 AM 274 Pinnacle U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 24-May-44 To China 1948 as Yung Hsiu, to Taiwan 1949, struck
19 AM 275 Pirate U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 16-Jun-44 Mined and lost off Korea 1950
20 AM 276 Pivot U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 12-Jul-44 To China 1948 as Yung Shou, to Taiwan 1949, struck
21 AM 277 Pledge U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 29-Jul-44 Mined and lost off Korea 1950
22 AM 278 Project U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 22-Aug-44 To the Philippines 1948 as Samar (M 33), struck
23 AM 279 Prime U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 12-Sep-44 To China 1948 as Yung Feng, to Taiwan 1949, struck
24 AM 280 Prowess U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 27-Sep-44 To Vietnam 1970 as Ha Hoi (HQ 13), active
25 AM 281 Quest U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 25-Oct-44 To the Philippines 1948 as Pagasa (APO 21), struck
26 AM 282 Rampart U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 18-Nov-44 To USSR 1945, disposition unknown
27 AM 379 Roselle U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 6-Feb-45 To Mexico 1972 as Melchior Ocampo, now Manuel Gitierrez Zamora (C 78), active
28 AM 380 Ruddy U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 28-Apr-45 To Peru 1960 as Galvez (MSF 68), struck 1981
29 AM 381 Scoter U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 13-Mar-45 To Mexico 1972 as Manuel Gutierrez Zamora, now  Melchior Ocampo (C 84), active
30 AM 382 Shoveler U.S. Navy Minesweeper 890d 221 22-May-45 To Peru 1960 as Diez Canseco (MSF 69), struck 1981
  YS 69   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945  
  YS 70   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945  
  YS 71   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945  
  YS 72   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945 Later YF 182
  YS 73   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945 Later YF 183
  YS 74   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945  
  YS 75   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945 Later YF 184
  YS 76   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945  
  YS 77   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945 To US Army 1920
  YS 78   U.S. Navy Lighter     1945  
  249222 Floyd Hamilton State of LA Tug  21 42 1946